図書室資料のコピーをとる時の注意事項 / Attention for Photocopying the Library Material
You must comply with the Copyright Law of Japan when you photocopy the library material.
You must submit the "Application Form for Photocopy" provided when you use the photocopier equipped in libraries.
Only when you comply with the following terms, you can photocopy the copyrighted material of which 50 years (70 years for the author who died after January 1, 1968)
of postmortem of the author has not been exceeded among his/her published works.
If copyright problems occur, the applicant assumes all responsibilities.
複写可能な範囲(著作権法第31条:図書館等における複製 より) Terms about the photocopy (See Article 31, the Copyright Law of Japan)
- 公表された著作物の全部ではなく、一部分(*1)の複写
An entire published book or work cannot be photocopied, only a copy of part (*1)
- 定期刊行物(雑誌)中の各論文や記事は、刊行後相当の期間(*2)を経たもののみ、一論文全部の複写ができる。
Thesis material and articles from periodicals (magazines) cannot be copied until the publication period (*2) has passed.
- コピー部数: 一人について一部のみ
Only a single photocopy of each page or part of the material described on the order form will be made.
- 複写の目的: 申込者の調査研究のため
The photocopy shall be used by the applicant solely for scholarly purpose.
- 有償無償を問わず、再複写や頒布をしないこと。
Do not copy the material again or distribute the photocopied material, free of charge or otherwise.
- (*1)一部分とは、半分を超えない程度
A part is an amount that doesn't exceed half.
- (*2)相当の期間とは、次号の刊行まで、あるいは刊行後3ヶ月
The period is at least three months since the next issue is published or was published.