工学・情報理工学図書館各図書室間での図書配送による貸出・返却開始 2020/7/31-
The delivery service of lending and returning books at any Libraries of Engineering and
Information Science & Technology has been starting. 2020/7/31-
- 氏名
- 利用者ID(職員証/学生証/利用証の表、右下にある番号の下10桁)
- 連絡先電話番号、メールアドレス
- 書名、巻号等、登録番号(10桁)、東京大学OPACの検索結果URL
You can lend and return books by delivery at Libraries of Engineering
and Information Science & Technology since 31st, July 2020 (Fri.).
For those who have a student/staff/faculty ID card admitted to each home library and building,
library staff carry and lend books held by other libraries in Engineering and Information Science &
(either Eng.1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14 or Sci.7 lib.).
You can return it in the home library.
Please request via MyOPAC.
Please apply for the following information to your home library at the counter or by e-mail.
- Your name
- UTokyo Account (in student/staff/faculty ID card, user code is the last 10 digits of the number printed on the card)
- Your phone number, e-mail address
- Books titles, volume number, registration number (10 digits), University of Tokyo OPAC search result URL
*Please check the e-mail address in libraries list .
*Please check UTokyo Library OPAC.