How to return materials of Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology(New book drop has been placed)
- 現在工学部内建物に入館制限があるため、返却の方法は以下のいずれかとなります。
Due to restrictions on entering the building of the Faculty of Engineering, the method of returning materials is as follows.
- 借りている図書に予約が入った場合で、借りた図書室が開室している・かつ建物に入館可能な学生証/身分証をお持ちの場合
If someone else makes a reservation for the book you are renting, and if the library you rented is open,
and you have a ID card(for student/staff) that can enter the building, please return it immediately.
- 東京大学に来構し返却
Returned after coming to the University of Tokyo
1-1.本郷キャンパスで返却:Return at Hongo Campus
You can return materials of Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology
(excludes home library materials) to the book drop at the entrance of the faculty of Engineering Bldg.2.
Please return the materials in your home library directly to the counter.
1-2.他キャンパスに来構し返却:Return at other Campus
Return at the library of other campus (Komaba library, Kashiwa library, or library to which you belong on other campus)
- 郵送で返却
Return by mail, etc.
If you wish, we can accept returns of books by mail etc. (prepayment).
Please contact us by e-mail before sending. (Please note that reply may be delayed.)
For contact information, please refer to libraries list .
・ レターパック、宅配便等の追跡可能な方法でお送りください。
Please send it by a traceable method such as letter pack or courier.
Please pack the book in vinyl etc. to prevent it from being damaged.
*Please check For users who cannot come to the campus to return books under the influence of COVID-19.