図書室移転日程のお知らせ(工5号館図書室) / Relocation schedule Engineering Bldg. 5 Library
2021.7.1(2022.12.12 last update)
- 2022年12月15日(木)9:30- 工5号館2階246 (地図)
E-mail: library@chem.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp (@は@に変えてください。)
Engineering Bldg. 5 Library(Applied Chemistry, Chemical System Engineering, Chemistry and Biotechnology, Bioengineering)
will resume all services including use of reading seats.
- From December 15th, 2022 (Thu.) 9:30- Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 5, 2F 246 (map)
For the time being, the opening hours are 9:30-17:30 (12:30-13:30 No Counter Service) on weekdays.
Contact information
Engineering Bldg. 5 Library(Applied Chemistry, Chemical System Engineering, Chemistry and Biotechnology, Bioengineering)
E-mail: library@chem.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp (Please change @ to @)
【過去の情報/Old Information】
- 2022年10月19日(水)~11月15日(火)
- 2022年11月16日(水)~12月中旬
- 12月中旬頃
Engineering Bldg. 5 Library(Applied Chemistry, Chemical System Engineering, Chemistry and Biotechnology, Bioengineering)
will relocate from October 2022 due to the completion of renovation work of the entire Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 5.
Accordingly, the service contents will be changed during the following period.
- From October 19th, 2022 (Wed.) to November 15th, 2022 (Tue.)
Suspension of all library services
- From November 16th, 2022(Wed.) to Mid December, 2022
Start reservation service from MyOPAC (include users whose home library is the Library of Building No. 5)
- From Mid December, 2022
Resume all services including use of reading seats
- 工5号館図書室は下記の期間、閉室いたします。
閉室期間:2021年7月28日(水)から2022年10月 9月(予定)
- 研究室に所属していない化学・生命系3年生を対象に、2021年7月2日より【2022年7月29日(金)まで】、平日9:30-17:00に
- 閉室期間中工5号館図書室所蔵の資料を利用したい方は、事前にメールでお名前・資料名・利用希望日時等のご連絡をお願いします。
- Engineering Bldg. 5 Library will be closed from the following period.
Closing days: From July 28th, 2021(Wed.) to October September 2022 (planned)
(From 4 August 2021, Engineering Bldg. 5 Library Office will be temporarily relocated to 3rd floor of Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 3./
Enter the Yasuda Auditorium side entrance, go up the stairs on the right, and turn right and the second room, No.362)
- From 2nd, June 2021 (9: 30-17: 00 on weekdays)【until 29th July, 2022】, for third-year chemistry and life science students who do not belong to the laboratory
Room 424 on the 4th floor of Building 3, Faculty of Science will be opened as a temporary study room.
It will continue to be available after August. If the opening hours change, we will notify again on this website.
- If you would like to use the materials in our library during the closing period, please contact us in advance by e-mail with
your name, materials title, desired date and time of use, etc. .
Some materials have been available on the 3rd floor of the Faculty of Eng. Bldg. 3 from the end of August 2021.
- 工5号館図書室(化学・生命系、バイオエンジニアリング)は工5号館全体の改修工事のため、2021年7月~8月、移転作業を行います。
- Engineering Bldg. 5 Library will be closed from the following period.
Closing days: From July 28th, 2021(Wed.) to September 2022 (planned)
- 一部資料については、2021年8月
- Some materials will be available on the 3rd floor of the Faculty of Eng. Building from
midaround late August 2021.
(material order is scheduled after July 28th, 2021)
- 作業のため、以下の期間は工5号館3階図書室内の閲覧席をお使いいただくことができません。
- The reading seats in Engineering Bldg. 5 Library can't be available during the following period.
The materials you wish to use may not be available.
Period without reading seat: From July 2nd, 2021(Fri.) to July 6th, 2021(Tues.)