関東大震災後の復興橋梁写真・図面 / Photographs and Plans of reconstructed bridges after the Great Kanto Earthquake
更新日時 / Update:2022.7.29, 2023.6.30, 2023.8.7, 2024.1.12, 2025.3.10
These photo albums show the construction of the bridge being built as part of a reconstruction project after the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923.
The bridges that were photographed are as follows.
2023年6月30日に図面も追加しました。 図面の一覧リストはこちら
Plans were also added on June 30, 2023. Click here for list of plans
世界橋梁写真 [Photograph of World Bridges] and 世界橋梁絵葉書集 [World Bridge Postcard Collection] were also added on March 10, 2025.
The history of these albums are unclear. But they were archived in the same binding as Photographs and Plans of reconstructed bridges after the Great Kanto Earthquake. Therefore, it is assumed that they were collected widely from various places and stored by the Reconstruction Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs as a reference for planning and designing the reconstructed bridges.
Click here for list of plans
If you would like to browse them, please ask the Engineering Bldg. 1 Library A at least one week in advance.
We will publish the new items and images in the "Source materials for Engineering History: The University of Tokyo Digital Archive" (in the "Photographs of reconstruction bridges after the Great Kanto Earthquake" and "Plans of reconstructed bridges after the Great Kanto Earthquake" collection) as soon as they are created.
橋梁名索引 (五十音順) / Index of bridges (Japanese alphabetical order)
Index of bridges (Alphabetical order) / 橋梁名索引 (アルファベット順)
アルバム / Album
No. | アルバムタイトル / Photo album title (translated from Japanese) | データベース公開日 / Date published in the database |
0 | 隅田川六橋工事場全景寫眞帖 / [Photograph of the construction of Six Bridges in Sumida-river] | 2023/8/7 |
1 | 相生橋工事寫眞 二 / [Photograph 2 of the construction of Aioi-bashi Bridge] | 2022/6/8 |
2 | 相生橋工事寫眞 三 / [Photograph 3 of the construction of Aioi-bashi Bridge] | 2022/6/8 |
3 | 相生橋工事寫眞 四 / [Photograph 4 of the construction of Aioi-bashi Bridge] | 2022/6/8 |
4 | 永代橋工事寫眞 四 / [Photograph 4 of the construction of Eitai-bashi Bridge] | 2023/6/30 |
5 | 永代橋工事寫眞 五 / [Photograph 5 of the construction of Eitai-bashi Bridge] | 2023/6/30 |
6 | 清洲橋工事寫眞 二 / [Photograph 2 of the construction of Kiyosu-Bashi Bridge] | 2023/8/7 |
7 | 清洲橋工事寫眞 三 / [Photograph 3 of the construction of Kiyosu-Bashi Bridge] | 2023/8/7 |
8 | 清洲橋工事寫眞 四 / [Photograph 4 of the construction of Kiyosu-Bashi Bridge] | 2023/8/7 |
9 | 藏前橋工事寫眞 三 / [Photograph 3 of the construction of Kuramae-Bashi Bridge] | 2023/8/7 |
10 | 藏前橋工事寫眞 四 / [Photograph 4 of the construction of Kuramae-Bashi Bridge] | 2023/8/7 |
11 | 藏前橋工事寫眞 五 / [Photograph 5 of the construction of Kuramae-Bashi Bridge] | 2023/8/7 |
12 | 駒形橋工事寫眞 二 / [Photograph 2 of the construction of Komagata-Bashi Bridge] | 2023/8/7 |
13 | 駒形橋工事寫眞 三 / [Photograph 3 of the construction of Komagata-Bashi Bridge] | 2023/8/7 |
14 | 駒形橋工事寫眞 四 / [Photograph 4 of the construction of Komagata-Bashi Bridge] | 2023/8/7 |
15 | 駒形橋工事寫眞 五 / [Photograph 5 of the construction of Komagata-Bashi Bridge] | 2023/8/7 |
16 | 言問橋工事寫眞 二 / [Photograph 2 of the construction of Kototoi-Bashi Bridge] | 2023/8/7 |
17 | 言問橋工事寫眞 三 / [Photograph 3 of the construction of Kototoi-Bashi Bridge] | 2023/8/7 |
18 | 言問橋工事寫眞 四 / [Photograph 4 of the construction of Kototoi-Bashi Bridge] | 2023/8/7 |
19 | 言問橋工事寫眞 五 / [Photograph 5 of the construction of Kototoi-Bashi Bridge] | 2023/8/7 |
20 | 橋梁工事寫眞 第一出張所管内A 彈正橋・起生橋・祝橋 / [Photograph of the construction of Danjo-Bashi Bridge, Kisei(Kisho)-Bashi Bridge and Iwai-Bashi Bridge, Group A within the jurisdiction of the 1st branch office] | 2024/1/12 |
21 | 橋梁工事寫眞 第一出張所管内B 南門橋・千代橋・赤羽橋 / [Photograph of the construction of Nanmon(Minamimon, Otemon)-Bashi Bridge, Sendai-Bashi Bridge and Akabane-Bashi Bridge, Group B within the jurisdiction of the 1st branch office] | 2022/7/29 |
22 | 橋梁工事寫眞 第一出張所管内C 土橋・八重洲橋・金杉橋 / [Photograph of the construction of Do-Bashi Bridge, Yaesu-Bashi Bridge and Kanasugi-Bashi Bridge, Group C within the jurisdiction of the 1st branch office] | 2023/6/30 |
23 | 橋梁工事寫眞 第一出張所管内D 蓬莱橋・開國橋・數寄屋橋・尾張橋 / [Photograph of the construction of Horai-Bashi Bridge, Kaikoku-Bashi Bridge, Sukiya-Bashi Bridge and Owari-Bashi Bridge, Group D within the jurisdiction of the 1st branch office] | 2023/6/30 |
24 | 橋梁工事寫眞 第二出張所管内A 親父橋・雉子橋・一ツ橋・神田橋 / [Photograph of the construction of Oyaji-Bashi Bridge, Kiji-Bashi Bridge, Hitotsu-Bashi Bridge and Kanda-Bashi Bridge, Group A within the jurisdiction of the 2nd branch office] | 2023/6/30 |
25 | 橋梁工事寫眞 第二出張所管内B 兜橋・菖蒲橋・千代田橋 / [Photograph of the construction of Kabuto-Bashi Bridge, Ayame-Bashi Bridge and Chiyoda-Bashi Bridge, Group B within the jurisdiction of the 2nd branch office] | 2025/3/7 |
26 | 橋梁工事寫眞 第二出張所管内C 堀留橋・常盤橋・鞍掛橋 / [Photograph of the construction of Horidome-Bashi Bridge, Tokiwa-Bashi Bridge and Kurakake-Bashi Bridge, Group C within the jurisdiction of the 2nd branch office] | 2025/3/7 |
27 | 橋梁工事寫眞 第二出張所々管D 龍閑橋・豊海橋・海運橋・聖橋 / [Photograph of the construction of Ryukan-Bashi Bridge, Toyomi-Bashi Bridge, Kaiun-Bashi Bridge and Hijiri-Bashi Bridge, Group D within the jurisdiction of the 2nd branch office] | 2023/6/30 |
28 | 橋梁工事寫眞 第二出張所管内E 江戸橋・大和橋・後楽橋・水道橋・美倉橋・小綱橋 / [Photograph of the construction of Edo-Bashi Bridge, Yamato-Bashi Bridge, Koraku-Bashi Bridge, Suido-Bashi Bridge, Mikura-Bashi Bridge and Koami-Bashi Bridge, Group E within the jurisdiction of the 2nd branch office] | 2023/6/30 |
29 | 橋梁工事寫眞 第三出張所管内A 新堀橋・今戸橋・須賀橋・吉野橋 / [Photograph of the construction of Shimbori-Bashi Bridge, Imado-Bashi Bridge, Suga-Bashi Bridge and Yoshino-Bashi Bridge, Group A within the jurisdiction of the 3rd branch office] | 2025/3/7 |
30 | 橋梁工事寫眞 第四出張所管内A 法恩寺橋・練兵橋・扇森橋 / [Photograph of the construction of Hoonji-Bashi Bridge, Rempei-Bashi Bridge and Senmori-Bashi Bridge, Group A within the jurisdiction of the 4th branch office] | 2024/1/12 |
31 | 橋梁工事寫眞 第四出張所管内B 汐見橋・菊川橋・江東橋・本村橋 / [Photograph of the construction of Shiomi-Bashi Bridge, Kikukawa-Bashi Bridge, Koto-Bashi Bridge and Honmura-Bashi Bridge, Group B within the jurisdiction of the 4th branch office] | 2025/3/7 |
32 | 橋梁工事寫眞 第四出張所管内C 黒亀橋・茂森橋・横川橋・源森橋・浜園橋 / [Photograph of the construction of Kurokame-Bashi Bridge, Shigemori-Bashi Bridge, Yokokawa-Bashi Bridge, Genmori-Bashi Bridge and Hamazono-Bashi Bridge, Group C within the jurisdiction of the 4th branch office] | 2024/1/12 |
33 | 橋梁工事寫眞 横浜出張所管内A 平岡橋・綠橋・羽衣橋・千秋橋・吉野橋 / [Photograph of the construction of Hiraoka-Bashi Bridge, Midori-Bashi Bridge, Hagoromo-Bashi Bridge, Senshu-Bashi Bridge and Yoshino-Bashi Bridge, Group A within the jurisdiction of Yokohama branch office] | 2025/3/7 |
34 | 橋梁工事寫眞 横浜出張所管内B 阪東橋・西之橋・金港橋・沼野橋・水道橋・都橋 / [Photograph of the construction of Bando-Bashi Bridge, Nishino-Hashi Bridge, Kinko-Bashi Bridge, Numano-Bashi Bridge, Suido-Bashi Bridge and Miyako-Bashi Bridge, Group B within the jurisdiction of Yokohama branch office] | 2025/3/7 |
No. | 図面タイトル / Plan title (translated from Japanese) | データベース公開日 / Date published in the database |
P1 | 相生𣘺 [設計図] / [Plan of Aioi-bashi Bridge] | 2023/6/30 |
P2 | 永代橋設計圖 上 / [Plan of Eitai-bashi Bridge, the first volume of two volumes] | 2023/6/30 |
P3 | 永代橋設計圖 下 / [Plan of Eitai-bashi Bridge, the second volume of two volumes] | 2023/6/30 |
P4 | 菊川𣘺 [設計図] / [Plan of Kikukawa-Bashi Bridge] | 2023/6/30 |
P5 | [藏前橋設計図] / [Plan of Kuramae-Bashi Bridge] | 2023/8/7 |
P6 | 江東𣘺 [設計図] / [Plan of Koto-Bashi Bridge] | 2023/6/30 |
P7 | 扇森橋・聖橋・江戸橋・蓬莱橋・常盤橋・兜橋・堀留橋・練兵橋 [設計図] / [Plans of Senmori-Bashi Bridge, Hijiri-Bashi Bridge, Edo-Bashi Bridge, Horai-Bashi Bridge, Tokiwa-Bashi Bridge, Kabuto-Bashi Bridge, Horidome-Bashi Bridge and Rempei-Bashi Bridge] | 2023/6/30 |
P8 | 法恩寺𣘺 [設計図] / [Plan of Hoonji(Houonji)-Bashi Bridge] | 2023/6/30 |
P9 | 八重洲𣘺 [設計図] / [Plan of Yaesu-Bashi Bridge] | 2023/6/30 |
P10 | 神田𣘺・千代田𣘺・法恩寺𣘺・親父𣘺・八重洲橋・新雉子𣘺・汐見𣘺・聖𣘺・男𣘺・羽衣𣘺・茂森𣘺 [設計図] / [Plans of Kanda-Bashi Bridge, Chiyoda-Bashi Bridge, Hoonji(Houonji)-Bashi Bridge, Oyaji-Bashi Bridge, Yaesu-Bashi Bridge, Shin-Kiji-Bashi Bridge, Shiomi-Bashi Bridge, Hijiri-Bashi Bridge, Otoko-Bashi Bridge, Hagoromo-Bashi Bridge and Shigemori-Bashi Bridge] | 2025/3/7 |
橋梁名 | リストNo. |
相生橋 (あいおいばし) | 0, 1, 2, 3, P1 |
赤羽橋 (あかばねばし) | 21 |
菖蒲橋 (あやめばし) | 25 |
今戸橋 (いまどばし) | 29 |
祝橋 (いわいばし) | 20 |
永代橋 (えいたいばし) | 0, 4, 5, P2, P3 |
江戸橋 (えどばし) | 28, P7 |
大手門橋 (おおてもんばし) (旧名:南門橋 (なんもんばし、みなみもんばし)) | 21 |
男橋 (おとこばし) | P10 |
親父橋 (おやじばし) | 24, P10 |
尾張橋 (おわりばし) | 23 |
海運橋 (かいうんばし) | 27 |
開国橋 (かいこくばし) | 23 |
金杉橋 (かなすぎばし) | 22 |
兜橋 (かぶとばし) | 25, P7 |
神田橋 (かんだばし) | 24, P10 |
菊川橋 (きくかわばし) | 31, P4 |
雉子橋 (きじばし) | 24, P10 |
起生橋 (きせいばし(きしょうばし)) | 20 |
清洲橋 (きよすばし) | 0, 6, 7, 8 |
金港橋(横浜) (きんこうばし(よこはま)) | 34 |
鞍掛橋 (くらかけばし) | 26 |
蔵前橋 (くらまえばし) | 0, 9, 10, 11, P5 |
黒亀橋 (くろかめばし) | 32 |
源森橋 (げんもりばし) | 32 |
小綱橋 (こあみばし) | 28 |
江東橋 (こうとうばし) | 31, P6 |
後楽橋 (こうらくばし) | 28 |
言問橋 (ことといばし) | 0, 16, 17, 18, 19 |
駒形橋 (こまがたばし) | 0, 12, 13, 14, 15 |
汐見橋 (しおみばし) | 31, P10 |
茂森橋 (しげもりばし) | 32, P10 |
新堀橋 (しんぼりばし) | 29 |
水道橋 (すいどうばし) | 28 |
水道橋(横浜) (すいどうばし(よこはま)) | 34 |
須賀橋 (すがばし) | 29 |
数寄屋橋 (すきやばし) | 23 |
千秋橋(横浜) (せんしゅうばし(よこはま)) | 33 |
千代橋 (せんだいばし) | 21 |
扇森橋 (せんもりばし) | 30, P7 |
弾正橋 (だんじょうばし) | 20 |
千代田橋 (ちよだばし) | 25, P10 |
常盤橋 (ときわばし) | 26, P7 |
土橋 (どばし) | 22 |
豊海橋 (とよみばし) | 27 |
南門橋 (なんもんばし(みなみもんばし)) | 21 |
西之橋(横浜) (にしのはし(よこはま)) | 34 |
沼野橋(横浜) (ぬまのばし(よこはま)) | 34 |
羽衣橋(横浜) (はごろもばし(よこはま)) | 33, P10 |
浜園橋 (はまぞのばし) | 32 |
阪東橋(横浜) (ばんどうばし(よこはま)) | 34 |
聖橋 (ひじりばし) | 27, P7, P10 |
一ツ橋 (ひとつばし) | 24 |
平岡橋(横浜) (ひらおかばし(よこはま)) | 33 |
法恩寺橋 (ほうおんじばし) | 30, P8, P10 |
蓬莱橋 (ほうらいばし) | 23, P7 |
堀留橋 (ほりどめばし) | 26, P7 |
本村橋 (ほんむらばし) | 31 |
美倉橋 (みくらばし) | 28 |
緑橋(横浜) (みどりばし(よこはま)) | 33 |
都橋(横浜) (みやこばし(よこはま)) | 34 |
八重洲橋 (やえすばし) | 22, P9, P10 |
大和橋 (やまとばし) | 28 |
横川橋 (よこかわばし) | 32 |
吉野橋 (よしのばし) | 29 |
吉野橋(横浜) (よしのばし(よこはま)) | 33 |
龍閑橋 (りゅうかんばし) | 27 |
練兵橋 (れんぺいばし) | 30, P7 |
Bridge name (Alphabetical order) | List no. |
Aioi-bashi Bridge | 0, 1, 2, 3, P1 |
Akabane-Bashi Bridge | 21 |
Ayame-Bashi Bridge | 25 |
Bando-Bashi Bridge (Yokohama) | 34 |
Chiyoda-Bashi Bridge | 25, P10 |
Danjo-Bashi Bridge | 20 |
Do-Bashi Bridge | 22 |
Edo-Bashi Bridge | 28, P7 |
Eitai-bashi Bridge | 0, 4, 5, P2, P3 |
Genmori-Bashi Bridge (Yokohama) | 32 |
Hagoromo-Bashi Bridge (Yokohama) | 33, P10 |
Hamazono-Bashi Bridge (Yokohama) | 32 |
Hijiri-Bashi Bridge | 27, P7, P10 |
Hiraoka-Bashi Bridge (Yokohama) | 33 |
Hitotsu-Bashi Bridge | 24 |
Honmura-Bashi Bridge | 31 |
Hoonji(Houonji)-Bashi Bridge | 30, P8, P10 |
Horai-Bashi Bridge | 23, P7 |
Horidome-Bashi Bridge | 26, P7 |
Imado-Bashi Bridge | 29 |
Iwai-Bashi Bridge | 20 |
Kabuto-Bashi Bridge | 25, P7 |
Kaikoku-Bashi Bridge | 23 |
Kaiun-Bashi Bridge | 27 |
Kanasugi-Bashi Bridge | 22 |
Kanda-Bashi Bridge | 24, P10 |
Kiji-Bashi Bridge | 24, P10 |
Kikukawa-Bashi Bridge | 31, P4 |
Kinko-Bashi Bridge (Yokohama) | 34 |
Kisei(Kisho)-Bashi Bridge | 20 |
Kiyosu-Bashi Bridge | 0, 6, 7, 8 |
Koami-Bashi Bridge | 28 |
Komagata-Bashi Bridge | 0, 12, 13, 14, 15 |
Koraku-Bashi Bridge | 28 |
Koto-Bashi Bridge | 31, P6 |
Kototoi-Bashi Bridge | 0, 16, 17, 18, 19 |
Kurakake-Bashi Bridge | 26 |
Kuramae-Bashi Bridge | 0, 9, 10, 11, P5 |
Kurokame-Bashi Bridge (Yokohama) | 32 |
Midori-Bashi Bridge (Yokohama) | 33 |
Mikura-Bashi Bridge | 28 |
Miyako-Bashi Bridge (Yokohama) | 34 |
Nanmon(Minamimon, Otemon)-Bashi Bridge | 21 |
Nishino-Hashi Bridge (Yokohama) | 34 |
Numano-Bashi Bridge (Yokohama) | 34 |
Otemon-Bashi Bridge (Former name: Nanmon(Minamimon)-Bashi Bridge) | 21 |
Otoko-Bashi Bridge | P10 |
Owari-Bashi Bridge | 23 |
Oyaji-Bashi Bridge | 24, P10 |
Rempei-Bashi Bridge | 30, P7 |
Ryukan-Bashi Bridge | 27 |
Sendai-Bashi Bridge | 21 |
Senmori-Bashi Bridge | 30, P7 |
Senshu-Bashi Bridge (Yokohama) | 33 |
Shigemori-Bashi Bridge | 32, P10 |
Shimbori-Bashi Bridge | 29 |
Shiomi-Bashi Bridge | 31, P10 |
Suga-Bashi Bridge | 29 |
Suido-Bashi Bridge | 28 |
Suido-Bashi Bridge (Yokohama) | 34 |
Sukiya-Bashi Bridge | 23 |
Tokiwa-Bashi Bridge | 26, P7 |
Toyomi-Bashi Bridge | 27 |
Yaesu-Bashi Bridge | 22, P9, P10 |
Yamato-Bashi Bridge | 28 |
Yokokawa-Bashi Bridge (Yokohama) | 32 |
Yoshino-Bashi Bridge | 29 |
Yoshino-Bashi Bridge (Yokohama) | 33 |
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