工2号館図書室グループ学習室利用再開(利用制限あり) Group Study Room in Engineering Bldg. 2 Library is available with some limitations.
- 利用目的:学習・研究
- 利用対象:工学系・情報理工学系の所属者
- 利用人数:1名のみ
- 利用可能日時:平日9:30-17:30(2020.11.9より9:30-19:00)
- 利用可能時間:1日につき4時間以内
- 設備:無線LAN(UTokyo WiFi、工学系研究科)
- 通話・ビデオ通話可能
- 申込方法
- 予約:2週間前から受付(当日は空室の場合利用可能)
- 申請内容:氏名、利用日時、専攻名、学籍・身分証番号
- 申込先(E-mail):kogaku2@lib.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp(@は半角に書き換えてください)
From 22 Oct. 2020, Group Study Room in Engineering Bldg. 2 Library is available with some limitations for faculty members.
Only one person may use that room at a time. Groups of two or more people cannot use it.
Please use it as follows.
- Purpose of use: learning / researching
- Target users: members of the Faculty of Engineering, the Graduate School of Engineering, or the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
- Number of persons: only one
- Hours: weekdays, 9:30-17:30(2020.11.9~9:30-19:00)
- Use is limited to at most 4 hours per day.
- Equipment: wireless LAN
- You can make voice and video calls.
- Procedure
- Reservations are accepted two weeks before use. If the room is vacant, use without advance reservation may also be available.
- Please provide your name, date and time, your faculty/department, and University ID number.
- Apply at: kogaku2#lib.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp (Change # to @)
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