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Recommended Books List by Students (Junior staff)
(in Japanese)

The books which symbolize our department (in Japanese)

Most Checked-Out Books (in Japanese)
The 10 most-read books by our seniors

      Mines in Paintings and Illustrated Scrolls Collection Image Database (in Japanese)
    Animation of "Saki no Ohtsu Agawa-mura yama-satetsu arai-tori no zu"

How to Use the Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology

Registration for Library Services【for student】PDF
Registration for Library Services【for staff& reseacher】PDF

Library Guidelines(mp4 file)New!
*To access, you need to be signed in to Google with an ECCS cloud mail (xxx@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp) account.

Home Library

There are 10 libraries in the Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology. Each library serves as a home library for the members of each department. (Please see Library List)


Library Hours Lunch Hours
(No Counter Service)
Engineering Bldg. 1 Library A 9:30-17:30 12:30-13:30  
Engineering Bldg. 1 Library B 9:30-17:30 12:30-13:30  
Engineering Bldg. 2 Library 9:30-19:00   Available after 17:30 :
-Borrowing, returning and using the materials held on the 5th floor
-Using the library equipment
Engineering Bldg. 3 Library 9:30-17:30 12:30-13:30  
Engineering Bldg. 4 Library 9:30-17:30 12:30-13:30  
Engineering Bldg. 5 Library 9:30-17:30 12:30-13:30  
Engineering Bldg. 6 Library 9:30-17:30 12:30-13:30  
Engineering Bldg. 7 Library 9:30-17:30 12:30-13:30  
Engineering Bldg. 14 Library 9:30-17:30 12:30-13:30  
Science Bldg. 7 Library 9:30-17:30 12:30-13:30  

Closed Days: Saturdays, Sundays, National Holidays and New Year's Holidays (December 27th to January 5th), Entrance examinations period
*Libraries may also be closed for some events.

Entry Procedure

Not required
*Please show your IC University ID card or library card, if the library staff direct you.


  • Books
  • Up to 5 books for 2 weeks / Present your IC University ID card or library card. / Loan periods can be extended up to 4 times via MyOPAC or at the library counter.

  • Journals
  • Library Borrowing Period
    Engineering Bldg. 1 Library A 3 days
    Engineering Bldg. 1 Library B current day
    Engineering Bldg. 2 Library 1 day (by the next day)
    Engineering Bldg. 3 Library current day
    Engineering Bldg. 4 Library current day
    Engineering Bldg. 5 Library current day
    Engineering Bldg. 6 Library current day
    Engineering Bldg. 7 Library 1 day (by the next day)
    Engineering Bldg. 14 Library current day
    Science Bldg. 7 Library current day


  • Photocopying at university expense
  • There are 3 payment methods. For details, please contact each library.

    • department copy card
    • university expense application form
    • prepaid card purchased at university expense
  • Photocopying at own expense
    Engineering Bldg. 2 Library : Notice of copy machine replacement(11/30 Thu.) and change to coin-operated machine
  • Library Payment Notes
    Eng.2 Coins *One thousand-yen bill is available too. We are unable to exchange money.
    Eng.1B, Eng.14 UTokyo CO-OP copy card Please purchase the UTokyo CO-OP copy card at UTokyo CO-OP store in advance and bring it.
    • In a library without a copy machine, please borrow materials, or use the service of Delivery Request
  • Fee
    • University expense: both black-and-white and color: 10 yen per sheet
    • Color photocopier available at: Eng.2, Eng.5, Eng.14

    • Private expense: black-and-white: 10 yen per sheet / color: 50 yen per sheet
    • Color photocopier available at: Eng.1B, Eng.2

User Registration

  • Services available with your IC university ID card after registration:
    • Borrowing
    • MyOPAC
    • Entering libraries in University of Tokyo
  • Procedure
    1. Show your IC university ID card
    2. Student: Please register your e-mail address and phone number in the UTAS system. If you cannot log in to UTAS, present your student ID card at the library counter.

    3. Present "Application form to Pass to Library of the University of Tokyo"PDF (東京大学附属図書館利用証交付申請書)
    4. Students who can log in toUTAS: no need

    5. If you do not have IC University ID card (yet), you should come to the Engineering Bldg. 2 Library with your ID card. You can get a library card.
    6. * To get an ID card, please ask the General Affairs Team of Engineering and Information Science & Technology. It will take about 1 week.

  • Change of Registered Information
  • Please come to your home library counter with your IC University ID Card or library card.

    * Changes in name, contact information, position, affiliation, or date of departure from the university

  • If you lose your IC University ID Card or library card, please come to your home library counter.
  • Please return your library card to the library when:
    • You transfer to another department
    • You get your IC University ID Card

How to Search Library Materials

Please see How to Search.


Please see Dissertations in UTokyo.

Rare materials

Please contact the library which holds the materials.

Delivery Request

Please see Delivery Request.

Using Other University Libraries

Sometimes pre-arrangement or letters of introduction are needed when visiting another university library. For details, please ask your home library.

Wireless LAN

You can connect to the internet with your PC using wireless LAN in the libraries.

*In order to use UTokyo WiFi wireless LAN, you need to apply in advance.
(Students need to register an ECCS account, too.)

  • UTokyo WiFi wireless LAN available at all libraries.
  • Library with UTokyo WiFi wireless LAN for Engineering and Information Science & Technology
    • Science Bldg. 7 Library
  • Procedure (UTokyo WiFi wireless LAN):

Study Study

There is a Study Room in Engineering Bldg. 2 Library.

Please see Engineering Bldg. 2 Library.
※For the time being, individual use only.(2020.10.22)
※It is too available with group (till 6 people) from 20 Feb. 2023.

Database Training Course

  • Database Training Course for members of the School of Engineering and Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
  • Held in spring and autumn. You can learn how to quickly search for books or jounral articles by using OPAC, e-journals and other essential databases. For details, please check the news of this website.

  • Database Training Course for members of University of Tokyo
  • The Academic Information Literacy Section at the Information Technology Center conducts database training courses. They are mainly held at General Library. They consist of a rich variety of content, such as how to use OPAC, electronic journals, individual database, etc.

    For details, see Literacy.


Library staff can answer questions on library use and documents searches, and so on.