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How to Use the Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology for Non-members

Overview: Advance reservations recommended

【For Non-members of Univ. of Tokyo】

Non-members of Univ. of Tokyo can use the materials in our library.
We recommend making a reservation in advance to ensure your use of the materials.
*Advance reservations are required to use some materials (such as rare materials, dissertations, etc.).

Please note that if you do not make a reservation in advance, you may not be able to use the materials.

About advance reservations

After specifying the materials you wish to use on UTokyo OPAC, etc.,
please make a reservation by e-mail or fax to the library that holds the materials.

Please contact each library with the following information from 10 to 2 days before the desired date of use.

  • Your name
  • The desired date of use
  • Specifics on the material you are requesting (Call No., name and issue)


【For Non-members of Univ. of Tokyo】

Please contact each library by e-mail etc for detailed information on the collection of materials.
Please check Latest opening schedule of each library.

To order photocopy, borrowed book(only within Japan) remotely:
The requests must be placed via library. Please consult the library staff at your institution or nearest public library.

※Only reading is possible for the materials in the library with the description "No copy machine" as bellow. If you would like a copy of the material, you can use the Inter-Library Loan (ILL) service. Please consult with your library staff.

Library Hours Lunch Hours
(No Counter Service)
Engineering Bldg. 1 Library A 9:30-17:30 12:30-13:30 No copy machine
Engineering Bldg. 1 Library B 9:30-17:30 12:30-13:30
Engineering Bldg. 2 Library 9:30-17:30
Engineering Bldg. 3 Library 9:30-17:30 12:30-13:30 No copy machine
Engineering Bldg. 4 Library 9:30-17:30 12:30-13:30 No copy machine
Engineering Bldg. 5 Library 9:30-17:30 12:30-13:30 No copy machine
Engineering Bldg. 6 Library 9:30-17:30 12:30-13:30 No copy machine
Engineering Bldg. 7 Library 9:30-17:30 12:30-13:30 No copy machine
Engineering Bldg. 14 Library 9:30-17:30 12:30-13:30
Science Bldg. 7 Library 9:30-17:30 12:30-13:30 No copy machine

Closed Days: Saturdays, Sundays, National Holidays and New Year's Holidays (December 27th to January 5th), Entrance examinations period
*Libraries may also be closed for some events.

Entry and Reading Procedure

Fill out "Application form for Use of th Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology, the University of Tokyo" (東京大学工学・情報理工学図書館利用申込書) at the counter.

Please show your ID card, if the library staff direct you.

If you have pre-arrangement or letters of introduction, a temporary use license can be issued for up to 2 weeks. For details, please ask the library of the university you belong to.

Inter library loan: You can be sent books and photocopies of journals to the library of university you belong to. For details, please ask your university library.


Not available.


Engineering Bldg. 2 Library : Notice of copy machine replacement(11/30 Thu.) and change to coin-operated machine

※Engineering Bldg. 1B Library(Architecture) : Notice of copy machine replacement(2/20 Thu.) and change to coin-operated machine

Library Payment Notes
Eng.1B,Eng.2 Coins (One thousand-yen bill is available too.) We are unable to exchange money.
Eng.14 UTokyo CO-OP copy card Please purchase the UTokyo CO-OP copy card at UTokyo CO-OP store in advance and bring it.
  • Fee
    • Black-and-white: 10 yen per sheet / color: 50 yen per sheet
    • Color photocopier available at: Eng.1B, Eng.2

※There is no copy machine in the libraries other than the above. If you would like a copy of the material, you can use the Inter-Library Loan (ILL) service. Please consult with your library staff.

How to Search Library Materials

Please see How to Search.

Dissertations: Reservation required

Please see Dissertations in UTokyo.

Rare materials: Reservation required

Please contact the library which holds the materials.